
Thursday, July 20, 2006

People: Bob Hice in Memoriam

In Memory of Bob Hice, 1924 - 2006, innovator of tree stand hunting and passionate whitetail deer hunter.

I just learned today the sad news that on Friday May, 5, Bob Hice, inventor of the Tree-Lounge Tree Stand, passed away due to complications with Parkinson's Disease.

Many people considered Bob to be one of the innovators of tree stand hunting. Bob first came out with the Tree-Lounge treestand in 1980. Bob started selling the Tree-Lounge out of the back of his pickup truck on the side of the road and at local fairs. Through hard work, he grew Tree-Lounge into a multi-million dollar business. Bob and his wife Margaret became hunting icons in the early 1990s with their hunting videos.

Bob worked as the cameraman on these videos while Margaret did the hunting. Over the last 15 years, Tree-Lounge has given away more than 2 million of these free hunting videos. Bob's main goal in business was to provide every hunter with the safest and most comfortable tree stand possible.

Many successful hunters have used Bobs "Tree-Lounge Method of Hunting" to harvest big buck's over the years. Bob's theory was to hunt high out of a deer's scent and sight range, hunt all day and hunt safely. He felt that the Tree-Lounge was the only stand that offered all of these features.

Bob Hice has been a well respected icon amongst hunters and in the hunting industry, a man who lived his dream of the outdoors to the fullest. Men like Bob reinforce age old qualities like, hard work, integrity, ingenuity, tenacity, and morals to name a few, traits not common in today's society. He will be missed by many but his spirit will live on in his quality product and in many camp fire stories. Farewell Bob and thank you for your time, effort and dedication. God bless your family who will proudly carry on your legacy.

Remembering Bob Hice

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