
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

2006 Trophy Bucks

It looks like that 2006 is shaping up just nicely to become yet another trophy record year. Her I have colected just a handful for pendable state trophy buck records harvested this hunting season.

This magnificent Maryland buck has been harvested by hunter Bill Crutchfield, Jr. of Charles County watched the buck for approximately two hours mid-day Monday before finding an opportunity to take the massive deer with a single shotgun round. DNR staff confirmed that the buck has 26 scoreable points (13 per side) and a preliminary antler score of 268 5/8 inches

Wisconsin: Lisa Brunner downed this tremendous buck on opening day of the Wisconsin gun season. It is reported to green score 179-5/8 as a typical. The buck weighed 217 lbs.

This monster buck was arrowed by Paul Buccacio on October 23rd in Worcester County, Massachusetts. Paul shot the buck from the ground with a traditional recurve bow!
The buck Green Scores over 185" as a typical, and over 195" as a non-typical! Either way, the buck would be the best bow buck from that state, in that category.

Kentucky: This buck was reportedly taken this fall in the Pennyrile Forest State Park in Kentucky. No word on the lucky hunter yet. What an incedible typical frame on this monster deer!

So there you have it. Like I said, just a small sampling of what’s out there. Who knows there might be a monster buck roaming in your hunting area, go and find him. Even if you hunt on public land it is possible to find big bucks there too, see the Kentucky buck above!


  1. Anonymous2:00 AM

    I am in India the recurve bows are startin to get popular here,
    You have put up a great work!

  2. Hi We have started a new recurve bow website that will help recurve bow lovers to chat there and gain more information about recurve bows,IF you can support this project by link exchange on your site we would love it and we will give a link to your website too on our site! Put this website link on your blog to support us :


