
Saturday, January 13, 2007

Cover up that deer in the back of your truck!

I am sure you have heard about a new law been proposed in North Dakota by Rep. Duane DeKrey. The news has been all over the Internet. The law would require hunters to cover up harvested game when traveling on an Interstate or highway when returning from a successful hunt.

DeKery claims that he couldn’t help wondering what the general public thinks about seeing dead deer in the back of pick-up trucks or tied onto trailers. After a flood of protest from hunters against the proposed law Duane DeKrey pulled the plug on his stupid legislation. And that is the time where PETA entered the field. PETA, according to their spokesman Bruce Friedrich, feels that the cover-your-deer-legislation is a bad idea. Say what? Does this mean that PETA for ones is on the side of the hunters?

Not rally. According to the AP, PETA would like for hunters to leave their game uncovered in the hope it might bolster their own anti-hunting cause, spokesman Bruce Friedrich said. "We encourage people, if they're going to kill defenseless animals, to parade the animal's carcass all over town, since uncovered bloody carcasses are more likely to wake people up to the cruelties of hunting," he said. "Clearly, covering up cruelty doesn't help animals at all."

When I heard about this nonsense legislation proposal I got just a tad annoyed thinking; “How far will this politically correct morons go to legislate every aspect of our lives”. But then the hunters stepped, once again, up to the task and defeated political correctness stubidity. It's called democracy at work and we need to do it every time some minority interest group pushes their minority agenda. Unfortunatlely, today hunters have to be as active in the political jungle as they are in the deer woods. Well done North Dakota hunters.

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