
Saturday, October 27, 2007

The First 2007 Monster Bucks

© By Othmar Vohringer

The hunting season is still young and already we hear reports of the first big bucks that have been taken in the early bowhunting season.

The Daily Citizen reports of twenty-two year old Casey Heine who on September 28 arrowed a huge 35 point buck! Yes you read that right. The buck has 25 countable points! This may very well be an achievement that the young hunter never will repeat again in his lifetime.

Heine told the newspaper "The big buck came around the fence line to my left and ran along the marsh toward the doe and fawn," with a doe bleat Heine stopped the buck. With a well placed arrow behind the shoulder blade Casey but the buck on the ground.
The scenario goes back exactly to what I keep saying. Fence lines, especially if they’re connecting two woodlots or coming from a woodlot into a marsh are always hotspots for big buck travel.

The second whitetail monster news comes from Jeff Lampe writes in his Scattershooting Journal that Jay Gregory, host of the Wild Outdoors TV show which he presents for the past 15 years together with his wife Tammi, has killed a massive buck green scoring in the top 190’s. Jay Gregory has yet to name the state where he arrowed that awesome buck. Your guess on that one is as good as mine. Could it be Missouri, Iowa or Illinois? One thing is for certain that this is one nice looking deer. Gregory said that he soon will post a video of this hunt on his website.

These are two fine examples of early bowhunting bucks. Who said that you couldn’t kill a monster buck in the early season with a bow? Of course you can, you just have to be at the right time at the right spot and do everything just right, including scouting.

This has given me an idea. I would like to hear from you and your early 2007 archery season success. It does not have to be a monster buck. You’re the judge what a trophy is to you. Send a picture and short story to go with it to and if I like it I will post it here on Whitetail Deer Passion for all to read. But that’s not all. The chosen picture and story will be rewarded with a embroidered and autographed SHS - Othmar Vohringer Outdoors cap. So lets get started and send those pictures and stories in to me.

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  1. Enjoyed the pics and write up of the Monster bucks...also like the cap! :)

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Dude that is not a deer i think it is more realated to the elk or a moose bu that thing is monsterous

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

