
Sunday, November 08, 2009

Wisconsin Browhunter Shoots Big Ten Point Buck

© By Othmar Vohringer

I am particularly proud of this young Wisconsin bowhunters first buck kill because I had a small part to play in his success.

When Shawn contacted me he didn’t sound to happy. Like most novice hunters he failed to kill a deer and had nobody to turn to, to ask for advice. After he gave me a detailed description of his hunting area I was able to give him a few starting point. We stayed in contact during which he kept me up-to-date on what he’s observed and I recommended what to do next. About a week into the consulting he called me to tell me enthusiastically that he shot a doe.

He also had seen a large mature buck but had no way, so he thought, to get close to him. More detailed descriptions followed, which I followed up with advice and tops on what to do. A week later the phone rang very early in the morning. Shawn was on the other end. Almost out of breath and very exited he told me that he just came home just to call and let me know that he shot the giant ten point buck. In an email he sent me that afternoon he wrote; "This buck was shot because of you. Thanks so much for your advice."

I’ll not give to much away because Shawn will soon tell you all about his very special hunt in his own words here at Whitetail Deer Passion.

As a hunting strategy & hunting property evaluation consultant I am fortunate to help many hunters to improve their success but it always is a special thrill me to play a small part in a novice hunters success.

In addition to make an already good week even better, I received an email from a hunting club that booked my consulting service and it seems they are happy too. Here is an excerpt of the email sent to me by the president of hunting club.
"...This is a short note to express our gratitude and sincere thanks to you for the consultant service you provided. We implemented your recommendations and advice on hunting strategies and stand locations and are happy to report that the average hunting success of our members in this past season has increased to 67%, compared to 43% last season...
Hiring you as our hunting strategy consultant to evaluate our clubs hunting land and leases has been worth every dollar and more. The board of directors and the membership would like to extend an open invitation to you, as a show of our gratitude, to hunt on our club properties any time you wish... Once again thank you very much."
As I said earlier I feel very fortunate to be able to help other hunters. For me that is all part of our great and unique North American hunting heritage and I am proud to be part of it. If you're interested in my consulting service is available to outfitters, clubs and individual hunters owning their own hunting land. To learn more about this unique service follow this link: HUNTING STRATEGY CONSULTANT & HUNTING PROPERTY EVALUATION

Othmar Vohringer Outdoors

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  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Congratulations to that young man and to you as well for helping him.

    That is what hunting is all about.

  2. It will be an exciting story to hear from Shawn about his experiences you helped him to achieve through your consultations.

  3. Thanks for the kind words. I too look forward to Shawn's story. Going by his excitement on the phone O am convinced it will be a great read.

