
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Philosophy of Big Buck Hunting

© By Othmar Vohringer

We all dream of hunting big bucks but some of us don’t know how to hunt mossy old horns while others, hunting on public land, believe that there are no big bucks where they hunt. Well I’ve got good news for you.

Rick DeStefanis, a veteran public land big buck hunter of many years, is the author of a new book, ”The Philosophy of Big Buck Hunting”

After reading the book from cover to cover there was no doubt in my mind that this IS the book many hunters have been waiting for. “The Philosophy of Big Buck Hunting” is not your run of the mill book written by some celebrity hunter having the good fortune to hunt on managed land or go on guided trips to prime whitetail destinations. No, Rick hunts where ninety-five percent of all hunters hunt: on heavily pressured public land.

The wealth of knowledge Rick gathered in over fifty years of hunting pressured big bucks is represented in a book that is written in a language everyone can comprehend and without the usual hype common to other “big buck hunting books”.

The Philosophy of Big Buck Hunting contains 4 chapters, six key principles and over forty tips on hunting big bucks. It starts with the most important information every aspiring big buck hunter needs to know: “How a trophy whitetail hunter thinks”. If you want to hunt big bucks the road to success starts with you, not with what camouflage you wear, what scent you use or what rifle caliber you shoot. Trophy whitetail hunting is about a change in hunting philosophy and Rick does a great job of explaining what it takes to acquire the mindset of a trophy hunter.

What follows are pages upon pages loaded with solid and practical field proven tips and tactics about scouting, stand placement, how to read deer sign and much more. The book closes with a chapter on equipment tips, advice for new and experienced hunters and another chapter on the future of hunting.

As a veteran deer hunter myself I highly recommend this great book, not only for the aspiring trophy deer hunter, but also for every hunter regardless of his or her skill level.

For more information about the author and the book visit

Photo Credits:
Top left: © Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
All other photos are © of Rick DeStefanis


This blog post has been brought to you by Othmar Vohringer Outdoors


  1. Purchased this book after reading this of the best books on whitetails I've read. The best part is Rick DeStefanis isn't a Bill Jordan or Michael Waddell who spend $$$$$ to hunt the "best" deer, at the "best" outfitters, with the "best" equipment, and the "best" set up and on the "best" land.

    Rick's outfitters have been himself and public ground for nearly all his life. He is what I call the trueblooded hunter. The one like you and me that this isn't a job, it's a passion and one that pays us back in far more the money in the bank. Rick breaks down how to properly increase your chances at getting your hand's on some antlers.

    If you consider yourself a hunter who wants to become better at what you do this is a must read.

  2. Sounds great! Any info will never hurt!
