
Monday, December 01, 2008

Big Deer Contest – The Maryland eight point buck

© By Othmar Vohringer

Jeremy Fike from Maryland sent me his entry for the 2008 Big Deer Contest here at Whitetail Deer Passion. From his description it sounds like he had the perfect hunt and a beautiful big eight-point buck to go with it. Congratulations Jeremy and the best of luck in the contest.

Her is Jeremy’s story. Enjoy!

Big Deer Contest Entry # 6

It was opening day of Maryland firearms season in Garrett County, a recent storm had left a nice 4-6 inch blanket of snow on the ground with temps in the high 20's and winds very calm. My Summit Viper had been set up the evening prior, which makes it much easier to get in the next morning to climb up.... anyway after arriving to my favorite spot which had produced a nice 9pt for me in archery season earlier in September, climbed up to about 25 feet and got relaxed in my seat....I was prepared to hunt most of the day anyway. Next it was like you see on TV, just sat down, waited about 10mins or so and there he come walking broadside 60yds a monster 8pt unreal! After resting the crosshairs behind the shoulder my 760 Remington Gamemaster in a .270 caliber 130gr-PSP spoke with a roar and the buck dropped in its tracks. I was now a proud owner of a 17" spread 8pt the rack is about 15" high....its definitely a wall hanger for me! Over the years of hunting very few times does this ever happen for me quite this easy, it was like the buck read the script?

If you would like to enter our 2008 Big Deer Contest and become eligible to win a fantastic prize, provided by the good folks at Versus Country, read the contest entry rules here.

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  1. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Congratulations on a great buck Jeremy!

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Tom from Glen Burnie said, I have hunted all over MD. for deer for 32 years . I have been fortunate to have taken several nice bucks from all over the state. That is a very nice deer for your hunting area. Congratulations Jeremy you should be very proud bet you cant wait to see him on your wall. Go get another one. Good luck hunting maybe I'll see you at the show.
