Choosing The Right Treestand for The Perfect Ambush (Hang-On-Stands)

The stand is attached to the tree with a chain hook-up or webbing belt and ratchet, or cinch buckle, systems. Some stands require a stabilization cinch buckle belt to stabilize it to the tree. Other models use the standing platform to wedge the stand firmly against the tree trunk. I prefer the latter because it makes the stand rock solid on the tree without adding a second strap. Once the stand is secured to the tree the platform is pulled down, creating a lever action that firmly stabilizes the stand on the tree. There are also models that can be hooked onto brackets. The hunter can purchase as many treestand brackets as he wants and install them at different locations. This system has the advantage that only one stand is needed and if the hunter changes location all he has to do is to hook the stand onto the pre-installed brackets.
The hang-on stand is easy to transport and relatively light. Most hang-on stands weigh between 11 lbs to 17 lbs. Depending on the hunter’s physical ability it may make two persons necessary to set the stand up. With the variety of models and hook-up systems available there is barely a tree where this stand cannot be attached to, and that makes it one of the most popular models.
To mount and access the hang-on stand some sort of climbing device is necessary. There are two models of climbing sticks on the market. One model requires that the individual sections are connected together and then, with ratchet straps, attached to the tree truck. The other model consists of singe units that are individually connected to the tree. The single unit leader sections are especially handy if you have to navigate tree branches or bent tree trunks. Tree steps that can be individually screwed into the tree are another option and give great versatility but take a long time to install. I prefer the individual ladder type sections because it lets me navigate branches and bent tree trunks better than a solid 15-foot ladder stick.
I do not consider the hang-on stand as a “run and gun” stand because set up takes at least five to ten minutes even for an experienced treestand hunter. However, these stands are affordable and having several stands set up at different locations does give a hunter the option to change locations quickly if need arises.
As described above this stand model comes in a great variety of design, shapes and sizes. This variety makes this stand the most versatile of all. If there is a tree chances are it will accommodate at least one of the many hang-on stands available with relative ease. Many treestand hunters own at least a half dozen hang-on stands of various designs to accommodate a variety of trees and hunting situations.
In the next post we will look at climbing stands.
Image courtesy of: Gorilla Treestands
Related articles:
Treestand Hunting Safety Tips
Choosing The Right Treestand for The Perfect Ambush (intro)
Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Founding Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Tags: Treestands, Treestand Hunting Tips, Choosing the Right Treestand, Deer Hunting, Hang-On Treestands,Treestand Hunting Tips, Gorilla Treestands,
Very good post Othmar. As of right now I don't have a fixed position stand because someone had stolen it.
I hope to some day replace it when finances improve but, for know I am using a ladder stand which I very much like.
I am sorry to hear that your stand got stolen. Unfortunately, yours is a very complaint I hear all to often. There are a few things a hunter can do to reduce the risk of treestand theft. I'll cover treestand theft prevention in one of my next columns of "Choosing the right treesteand..."
Ladder stands have many applications and as you said they can be very comfortable. In an upcoming segment of this series we will look at ladder stands and why hunters should at least own one of these stands.
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