We have a winner of the 2009 Whitetail Deer Contest. The numbers have been entered into a special computer program and after a few seconds this years winner was established.
The contest prize, a double DVD set of Whitetail Revolution donated by Versus Country goes to entry number 01 entered by Vera Ely. Congratulations Vera to a magnificent buck and winning the prize of Whitetail Deer Contest 2009. I also would like to take this opportunity to tank all the hunters that entered the contest. You’re all winners for keeping the hunting heritage alive and taking part in the conservation of our natural recourses.
Here is the winning entry story and picture again.
“I used a Remington model 7,308 caliber, to harvest this trophy at approximately 45 yards. The weather was a cold-frosty 15 degrees. I had always heard about bucks in full rut and I finally got to experience this in Pennington Gap, VA on my Father's farm. I strongly believe in all the no scent tactics especially since I was on the ground. This memory will last a life time.”
Here are the other entries of this contest.
entry number two (2)
entry number three (3)
entry number four (4)
Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Tags: Whitetail Deer Buck, Deer Hunting Contest, Remington Model Seven
Congratulations Vera on a magnificient whitetail Deer. That sure is one to be very proud of.
Congratulations on winning it is a beautiful buck.
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